Within your organisation, there will be from time to time, people who are aggrieved with the organisation. The organisation maybe a club, a religious body, an association or any other organised group of people. They may say, “The XYZ organisation really hurt me.” What they probably mean is the leadership or a particular person in authority really hurt me. They may hang onto pain and a grudge for months or years, but eventually some will take action to seek redress or use social media to bring a charge against the organisation. This can result in a court case, or reputation loss or loss of public trust in the organisation.

While no organisation is perfect, just ignoring such people as trouble-makers is not wise on two counts. One, We care about people and we want to help them; and two, if they take action out of their pain it will cost the organisation. The organisation can always take action to address issues and resolve conflict that arises. To ignore it really devalues the person who is aggrieved. These people will almost always feel that they have not been listened to; that no one feels their pain. When an organisation like the church in the photo image is under attack in the media, the journalists will always be able to find an aggrieved person to dump the dirt on whoever is responsible for their pain. Whether it is warranted or not, ignoring aggrieved people can lead to less than desirable outcomes. Let’s do our best to live peaceably with all people.

By initiating a conversation, and offering mediation an organisation can care for the aggrieved person and perhaps save a court case or media blitz leading to loss of reputation. Call me for free advice about mediation in your context. Find out right here if mediation is likely to help in your situation and receive a FREE diagnostic Consultation. - ASK US NOW.

ChurchesCraig Anderson