1. When things are not fun anymore - AND the first step isn’t divorce - let’s try couples mediation

After over 40 years working with couples in helping them develop better and stronger relationships, I can offer you many options in moving forward to a healthier more enjoyable relationship. When things are not fun anymore, don’t think divorce….. think about options….. couples counselling, relationship building classes, mediation.

Probably it all started just fine. You were in love, you had some great times. Now it’s a month or a year or ten years later and it’s not fun anymore! You are getting really good at hurting each others feelings, and you’re running out of energy to keep trying.

WARNING - Divorce is very costly, both in money terms and emotionally. It may seem like a way out and even seem like a potential relief…. BUT the reality is, after divorce, many feel guilt, rejection, abandonment, pain and are cut off from other valuable relationships. Let me help you - I can offer..

  1. Couples transformative relationship counselling - providing ways to learn how to understand one another and learn to communicate in ways that build and not destroy.

  2. Engage in Prepare-Enrich relationship education program in which I am a qualified facilitator. This is a world-wide resource used by professionals for over 40 years. Developed by 15 psychologists, it gives couples deeper understanding of their partner and skills for learning better communication and conflict resolution skills.

  3. Mediation for couples. When a key issue has reached a stalemate - it can be really effective to go to mediation and resolve that particular issue, arriving at an agreement that you are both happy with.

2. When things are over and you need court advised mediation to move on.

Then call or email us right away and we will appoint one of our FDRP trained mediators to assist you to work through this process. It can be painful, but our staff are highly trained and experienced to help you manage this difficult time. Go to this website now.

If you want a free diagnostic chat about your situation - call me now on 0412 118750 or email me at