

Whatever your situation in Australia, there’s a scenario below that describes your mediation needs - click the links for more information.

Conflict in business

Conflict can arise when results are not what was expected. Partners or board members or CEO and Chairperson of the Board in Australia may not see eye to eye. If that’s your situation click here for more info.

Conflict in the workplace

Conflict between employees or between manager and employee will affect the bottom line. It will create stress and anxiety within staff members and reduce productivity here in Australia. There’s the human cost and there’s the financial cost. Click here for more info.

Conflict in your relationship

You’re not looking at divorce in Australia, but it’s not fun anymore! If there’s conflict in your relationship, its painful, but I can help you learn to communicate better and resolve conflict. It can be better! OR If you need mediation because you’re separating… Click here for more info.

Conflict in families

Maybe its about elderly parents - decisions about aged care, sale of assets, who’s responsible for care? Or siblings maybe in conflict about all sorts of issues, or parents and children are fighting. I can help you find a way through to resolving the impasse. Click here for more info.

Why you should choose me

Conflict can be stressful.

Conflict can be stressful.



Having now decades of experience working with people from all different backgrounds here in Australia, I can understand where people are at. I can give you keys to understand conflict and how to solve it. I can work with tough characters and broken people just as easily. Now with the training I have in mediation, facilitation and restorative justice, I can turn your situation around. Call right now for a free consultation to see how my services can help you.



Craig Anderson

I am a qualified Mediator (AMDRAS) and trained in the provision of Facilitation skills for a range of conflict resolution needs in Australia.

WHO IS CRAIG? – My bio with background and qualifications.

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who is

Why I’m a good mediator…

I am a Nationally Accredited Mediator. AMDRAS. After over four decades of Church leadership at national, state and local level here in Australia, I have a wealth of experience in helping people resolve conflict. Quite a significant percentage of my leadership activity over these years has been in the conflict resolution arena. I have worked with families, groups, teams, business people and leaders from many different backgrounds and cultures. This experience has helped me to understand people, how they think and feel and how to best assist them to move forward in resolving conflict. My manner and style with people will put them at ease and empower them to make great decisions. I will do my best to assist in whatever ways you need mediation services.  I have also been trained in Group Conferencing Skills. More in my BIO.



leadership coaching

leadership coaching and team building skills

Do you feel like your leadership skills or people skills need development?
Are you focussed on what you want to achieve in the organisation but frustrated by team members not pulling their weight or being ineffective?
Do some team members just tick you off because they don't seem to "get it"?

If the answer is YES to any of these questions, we can help.

I help Business Leaders anywhere in Australia develop great teams who work well together, love coming to work and create healthier turnover, profit and rewards.

If you have problems with Staff turnover, Silent quitting, Work from home demands, workplace conflict etc, then I know how to coach and train you how to be the kind of leader who can make a difference and change all that.

► Leadership development
► Team development
► Strategic planning
► Targeted People Development

I will help you grow as a leader, be better with people, be able to build teams better and see the effort you put in make a bigger difference.

CEO's, Business Leaders, Business owners, Directors, Board Members, Chairpersons.

How do we do this? I have over 40 years experience in leadership development. I have worked with teams over a wide range of ethnic, socio-economic and geographical areas. I have the background, experience, and tools that will really make a difference in your leadership role.

Empowering people to see and hear and understand one another for agreement and collaboration.
Providing training and ways to help you build workplace relationships.
Providing Appropriate Dispute Resolution processes to give people a way forward.

Call now for a free diagnostic chat - 0412 118750 or email me now at craig@mediate-me.com